Battery Parameter eXchange (BPX) standard – an initiative to provide a common language to enable accurate battery modelling and reduce costs and time-to-market for industry
HARWELL, UK (7 December 2022) The Faraday Institution has today launched the Battery Parameter eXchange (BPX), an open standard for physics-based lithium-ion battery models. The standard defines the battery parameters, the equations that use the parameters, and the reporting of experimental measurements used to validate the reported parameters.
Physics-based battery models can deliver accuracy and insight into long-term performance in a wide range of scenarios. However, the complexity of physics-based models and lack of a common definition has limited their use to specialist teams within large companies, each creating their own modelling schemes that are difficult to compare with those of other companies.
The purpose of BPX is to reduce costs and time-to-market through a common definition of physics-based battery models that can be used widely across industry. BPX will make it easier for manufacturers and developers of all sizes to leverage the accuracy of physics-based models in a broad range of scenarios, which will reduce costs and stimulate innovation.
Professor Pam Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, Faraday Institution said: “To meet the growing speed of change and demand from industry and society, improvements need to be made to battery performance, longevity, sustainability and safety. Years of advanced model development, a five-year investment in our Multi-scale Modelling Project, and the spin out of About:Energy sit behind the BPX standard. Its introduction will both speed up design and development cycles and reduce the need for expensive physical prototyping.
Rob Millar, Head of Electrical, WAE, said: “Cutting-edge automotive consulting and design is a heritage UK strength that is currently undergoing transformation with the global switch to electrification. We believe physics-based battery modelling has a valuable role to play in accelerating this change and the BPX initiative supports the industry drive for improved battery performance, longevity, sustainability and safety.”
Professor Gregory Offer, Imperial College London, said: “Design of an optimal battery system for a particular application demands a deep understanding of battery performance under a wide range of conditions. The physics-based model codified in the BPX standard makes that knowledge and understanding more available for engineers to solve real world problems. Making that knowledge widely available is a powerful enabler for the optimisation of lithium-ion technology and its successors.”
Industry standards require maintenance and a clear technical, commercially informed roadmap. To this end the Faraday Institution is exploring the development of a Faraday Standards Forum, an industry/research partnership that could be launched in 2023 and that could own the roadmap for the maintenance and development of BPX.
Want to know more / get involved?
· Attend the high-level webinar, Delivering “Industrial Strength” Physics-based Battery Modelling, 2 pm, 7th December 2022. To register email: bpx@faraday.ac.uk
· Attend a “deep-dive” follow up briefing for industry organisations: 2pm, 11th January 2023. Interested? Email: bpx@faraday.ac.uk · Visit the BPX website and download the standard. · Download Faraday Insight 15: The Value of Modelling for Battery Development and Use
About the Faraday Institution
The Faraday Institution is the UK’s independent institute for electrochemical energy storage research, skills development, market analysis, and early-stage commercialisation. Bringing together expertise from universities and industry, the Faraday Institution endeavours to make the UK the go-to place for the research and development of new electrical storage technologies for both the automotive and wider relevant sectors. Headquartered at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, the Faraday Institution is a registered charity with an independent board of trustees.
The Faraday Battery Challenge at UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is delivered by Innovate UK. It is making the UK a science and innovation superpower for batteries, supporting the UK’s world-class battery facilities along with growing innovative businesses that are developing the battery supply chain for our future prosperity. Its aim is to build a high-tech, high-value, high-skill battery industry in the UK.
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is the largest public funder of research and innovation in the UK, with a budget of around £8bn. It is composed of seven disciplinary research councils, Innovate UK and Research England.
We operate across the whole country and work with our many partners in higher education, research organisations businesses, government, and charities.
Our vision is for an outstanding research and innovation system in the UK that gives everyone the opportunity to contribute and to benefit, enriching lives locally, nationally and internationally.
Our mission is to convene, catalyse and invest in close collaboration with others to build a thriving, inclusive research and innovation system that connects discovery to prosperity and public good. www.ukri.org
About the Faraday Institution Multi-scale Modelling Project
The Faraday Institution’s Multi-scale Modelling Project is a £17.9 million project led by Imperial College London, and involving eight other universities and 30+ industry partners. Through the project, world-leading battery experts with a broad set of skills are building a critical bridge between science and engineering. The project is delivering a portfolio of world-leading research, methodology development and modelling tools (including PyBaMM and DandeLiion) that are of strategic importance for the UK.
About About:Energy
About:Energy was founded in 2021 with a mission to accelerate the electrification transition. We equip organisations with the tools needed to streamline the development of new battery technologies, reducing time to market and R&D spend. Our proprietary characterisation and modelling capabilities provide industry access to leading research in the UK to enhance battery design and operation. Headquartered in London, About:Energy has partnered with organisations across the automotive, manufacturing and aerospace industries to solve challenges in battery selection, engineering, charging, lifetime prediction, and recyclability. About:Energy has provided two cell parameterisation examples to demonstrate the use of the BPX standard.